NaPoWriMo 2024 day 13

Wealth Beyond Measure

A Poetry Reflection on Values

Antonio Segovia, MD.
2 min readApr 15, 2024


Image By Author using NightCafe

Forsake rewards,
Chase ideals,
Money — gentle deer,
Yet fierce master.
Aging or maturing?
Time’s whispers call.

Essentials supplied
Yet memories outshine,
Brighter than gold.

In fondness, respect.
Embrace each day,
Seek magic and healing.
Every tide overcome
Reveals grand riches.

Pursue life, purpose,
Value moments and experiences.
Life’s authentic offerings.
Cherish what matters,
Connections, not collections.

When we look back,
Heart’s wealth, we’ll see.
A life measured
By love’s profound treasury.
Not by what’s gathered,
But by what’s given.



Antonio Segovia, MD.

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.