NaPoWriMo Day 5

A Fierce Napoleon Complex

Farewell, Old Friend

Antonio Segovia, MD.
2 min readApr 5, 2023


Art By Author

My Pitbull started as a cuddly puppy,
Full of joy and happiness.
As he grew, so did his personality,
Becoming more robust and distant.
But no matter how remote he became,
He always protected me
With a stern look and a growl.

One day, another dog attacked,
But my Pitbull was there to defend me.
He never backed down
And always stood his ground.
He was my champion,
My confidant and a companion.

But then, on his fifth birthday,
The sound of fireworks filled the air.
Fear and anger filled his eyes,
And he turned on me with his teeth bared.
I knew it wasn’t him.
It was the fear and confusion overtaking him.

The police took him away,
Leaving me with a broken heart.
He may be gone,
But I’ll never forget my brave Pitbull,
Who always stood up for me,
He’ll always be there in my heart,
Watching over me
From the doggie heaven…



Antonio Segovia, MD.
Antonio Segovia, MD.

Written by Antonio Segovia, MD.

Physician. Media and Journalism specialist. Scientific disclosure. Medicine, Mental Health, Psychology, Inspiration, Philosophy, Culture, Poetry, Books, Sports.

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